bareMinerals Complexion Rescue…Review

Hello again lovelies.

I have found the perfect complexion product! When I got my Latest in Beauty box, the Heart Beauty Essentials, inside was a sample of two shades of Complexion Rescue Tinted Hydrating Gel Cream from bareMinerals. WOW! It truly is amazing stuff.


There are 2 samples inside, each is a single application.


The two shades are 02 Vanilla and 05 Natural.

bareMinerals says ” NON-CHEMICAL,  SPF30  LIGHTWEIGHT, SHEER TO MEDIUM COVERAGE, CLINICALLY TESTED, DERMATOLOGIST TESTED, HYPOALLERGENIC” This foundation is like a BB and CC cream in one, a wonderful multi tasking product for a perfect complexion. It has skincare benefits, with Marine botanical to hydrate and nourish the skin, Mineral Electrolytes are in there too, to help energize the skin, and there are anti-oxidants to protect the skin from the environment. It’s a gorgeous gel cream consistency which glides on, and blends into the skin perfectly leaving a beautiful radiant glow.

My thoughts: After my skincare I applied the Natural 05 shade, which is a perfect match to my medium un-tanned skin tone. I used my Real Techniques buffing brush, although bareMinerals say to use fingers. I don’t have any darkness under my eyes, but I have a bit of darkness on the inner corners of my eyes and the Complexion Rescue completely covered it! I also have redness on my chin, and the Complexion Rescue covered that too! The rest of my face? Well it looked good actually, quite glowy and the skin tone evened out, it didn’t sink into the lines on my eyes it certainly doesn’t “cake” Because this is a gel cream it can be built up to get more of a coverage if you feel you need it, but the skin doesn’t look like you are wearing more than one layer of foundation, it looks perfectly natural like your skin but better. Is it long-lasting? Yes it is, I wore it for a day with my grandchildren, so from 8.30 am until I removed my makeup that night my skin looked good, it felt hydrated, it didn’t slide off and it didn’t transfer to the children’s clothes during cuddles! I really rather love the bareMinerals Complexion Rescue and I would really rather love to have a full size product, it’s £26 for 35ml from Here  or from Boots Here

Have you tried any products from bareMinerals? I’d love to know your thoughts.



8 comments on “bareMinerals Complexion Rescue…Review

  1. i’ve never tried bare minerals but i know some people swear by it! great post 🙂
    instagram: the_ch1ara

  2. I’ve tried some mineral products but they have all been powder, which has gone over my clothing, carpet etc etc. I’ve seen all the ads for this, and may give it a whirl when the beloved Max Factor run as out. as ever thanks for the review, and have a great weekend. Ps we are almost the same age, I turned 55 on May 22.

    • Thank You for your comment Morag, the only mineral powder I’ve used in the past is the Jerome Alexander Magic Minerals, I used to love it! I’m almost a month older than you, belated Happy Birthday!

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